Pure Health – Liver Health


Your liver is a powerhouse organ that supports over 500 cellular functions. It takes all the fuel from your gut, removes the toxins, and converts it into useable or storable fuel. As your body requires it, your liver regulates the release of stored fuel to be converted into energy by the mitochondria. The liver also removes waste products, drugs, and breaks down fats, eliminating them through the bile. It helps make blood proteins, regulates clotting, and produces immune markers that resist bacteria in your bloodstream. It processes iron from your hemoglobin and stores it.

If your liver is struggling, you may experience numerous frustrating symptoms that seem unrelated, including weight gain, fatigue, and foggy thinking. Or you may experience an undercurrent of chronically feeling “under-the-weather.” Besides genetics and alcohol abuse, a common cause of liver dysfunction is nutrient deficiency, leading to a sluggish liver that trickles down over 500 functions. However, you may not sense that your liver is damaged until your doctor finds abnormal liver test results.

When your liver doesn’t function as it should, it always leads to excessive oxidative stress. This excess means there aren’t enough antioxidants to deal with the free radicals created, which leads to further damage. In addition, the liver is susceptible to chemical medications; that’s why 65% of the people with liver problems reach for natural solutions.

Liver Health Formula by PureHealth Research contains superior quality natural nutrients to support healthier liver marker functions and help protect against further damage. The potent ingredients in Liver Health Formula combat cellular liver damage on several levels, including viral attack, toxins, acetaminophen damage, overdose, fatty deposits, and other disease conditions.*


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